Liebe Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie/euch an die als gemeinsame Tagung der Sektion Bildung und Erziehung, der DGS-Arbeitsgruppe Mixed Methods und unserem Arbeitskreis Wissenschafts- und Hochschulforschung zum Thema Mixed Methods Research in Education: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Research of Kindergarten, Schools, Higher and Further Education“ am 16.–17. November 2023 an der Universität Hannover erinnern.
Call for Papers DE – die Einreichungsfrist für Abstracts endet am 14. April!
Wir freuen uns über zahlreiche Einreichungen und die Weiterleitung des CfP an interessierte Kolleg:innen!
Herzliche Grüße,
Angela (Graf)
Dear colleagues,
I would like to remind you about jointly organized by the German Sociological Association’s (DGS) Section Education (Bildung und Erziehung), and DGS Working Groups Mixed Methods (in Sections Methods of Empirical Social Research and Qualitative Social Research) and Science and Higher Education Research on
„Mixed Methods Research in Education: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Research of Kindergarten, Schools, Higher and Further Education“,
which will take place on November 16th-17th 2023, at the University of Hannover.
Call for Papers EN – the deadline for abstract submissions is April 14th!
We look forward to receiving your submissions. Please forward this CfP to (international) colleagues who are doing mixed methods research in education.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Angela (Graf)