Univisiongovernance - Flyer - Forum Innovation 2021

Konferenz Forum Innovation

Coordi­nation : D. CAMPBELL, Danube University Krems, Austria, E. CARAYANNIS, George Washington University, USA
  • D. CAMPBELL, Danube University Krems, Austria, E.CARAYANNIS, George Washington University, USA 

Epistemic Gover­nance and Innovation: How Organiza­tional Develo­pment can Refer to Inter­di­sci­pli­narity and Trans­di­sci­pli­narity in Higher Education. 

  • A. PAUSITS, University Krems, Austria 

Innovation Audits as an Innovative Approach for higher Education Insti­tu­tions. 

  • T. LEIBER, Evaluation Agency Baden-Württemberg, Germany 

On Innovative Gover­nance of Learning and teaching in Higher Education: Perfor­mance Indicators and the role of Theories and Practice of Learning and Teaching. 

  • K. STRANSKY-CAN, University of Vienna, Austria 

The Potential of Epistemic Gover­nance to Fill in gaps in University Policy Paradigms – the Cases of Austria, Finland and Scotland. 

« Quelle gouver­nance des insti­tu­tions d’enseignement et de recherche pour l’innovation responsable ? / What gover­nance of higher education and research insti­tu­tions for respon­sible innovation? »







Univisiongovernance - Flyer - Forum Innovation 2021
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